SEZF Mission & Purpose
The mission of the Southeastern Zonal Forum is to provide a regularly scheduled time and place where representatives of the member regions come together to further our primary purpose, “to carry the message of recovery to the still suffering addict”, through service oriented discussions, workshops, events and task forces. The Southeastern Zonal Forum’s primary function is to facilitate joint, multi-regional efforts that serve our member regions and are directly responsible to the Regional Service Committees within the zone (see map above).
● The Forum is comprised of Regional Delegates and Alternate Delegates from within the geographical boundaries of the Southeastern Zone.
● To accomplish its primary purpose, the Southeastern Zonal Forum has established guidelines that provide direction and accountability for its actions. The member Regions must approve these guidelines unanimously before being enacted, amended, added to, deleted or changed in any way.
● The Southeastern Zonal Forum will conduct itself in accordance with the Twelve Traditions and the Twelve Concepts for NA Service so that a spirit of selfless service and not of government remains always as its guidepost.
● It is clear that this structure shall act as a service to the Regions and not as another level of service between the Regions and NAWS.
Meeting Rotation
● The Forum location will rotate among the participating regions according to the following schedule (or a schedule agreed to among the zonal participants based on pricing and availability): Florida, Alabama/NW Florida, Carolina, Georgia, South Florida and North Carolina. The host Region is responsible for providing meeting space for the Forum.
● The Southeastern Zonal Forum will meet in February or March in even years in the Georgia Region. This will be a Zonal CAT Workshop held after the publishing of the Conference Approval Track. Typically, this workshop will occur in the years that the WSC will be meeting. The Georgia Region will host the CAT Zonal Workshop as their Regional rotation in the meeting schedule. Other multi-regional events, workshops, learning days etc. may be held as needed or requested by member Regions.
● The December meeting in odd numbered years will include a zonal CAR workshop held after the publishing of the Conference Agenda Report.
● The Zonal Facilitator will request participation from NAWS at least 3 months prior to the proposed date of the zonal CAR and CAT workshops.
● Typically the Southeastern Zonal Forum workshop(s) occur on a Saturday, be located near a major airport with shuttle service available to the facility, and include other service and/or recovery oriented topics as requested by the region hosting the zonal forum.
● The time, location and date for Zonal meetings for the conference cycle will be set at the zonal meeting at the WSC.
● The agenda for the next Zonal Forum meeting will be set by the Facilitator with input from each Regional Delegate.